2011年7月29日 星期五

Repair--- Strap for Hass 500CM

(fig 1. Front View)

I bought this strap for my 500CM from KEH.
However, it loosed one of critical rivets as coming (sad).

Thanks for the responsible seller,
who has promised that he will send me replacements
and I do not have to charge for shipping.
Moreover, I do not need to send defective items back~
I have to say that I am satisfied with KEH's service,
even though I felt so disappointing when receiving the package~

Fortunately, this is not a serious problem and I can fix that by myself,
and I need to use the strap the day after tomorrow.
So I fixed it this morning (smile).

Right one (fig 1, copper tone) is what I fixed.
It not as exquisite as original one, but it works (hoping)! :)

The rear view (fig 2)~
Has repaired the strap (Rear View)

2011年7月14日 星期四

Flickr-- BudaPest

Budapest by Night

I found this photo on Flickr yesterday.
It evokes lots of memories about the shot trip in Europe last year.
We went to Vienna for a conference,
and started to feel bored on the forth day in Vienna (smiling),
so we decided to get a Budapest one-day trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We didn't have a good beginning.....
We went to the wrong train station....... (sigh), so all schedules was postponed!
And the time when arriving at the Budapest train station was around ... 13:00 ( I guess),
Time was so tight!!!!!
Another problem is.... English seems not so useful in this city ^^"
Fortunately, we met a great guy, a mid-forty man who 
took a business bag and looked a bit of hurry.
He helped us to buy one-day tickets ( I just used 4 of 10 tickets) and showed us how to
take the metro to Buda (We had known that, but you cannot say no to a good man, can you?)

People I saw in metro were so...  majestic,  truculent, and beautiful~
(all right,~ I might be influenced by 
some movies: people, come from Eastern, all look truculent, like Russia Mafia :P )~
Buildings and cars looked bits of older than Prague and Vienna.
Most important is that people we met are passionate and kind 
(they all provided help as much as they can even though they 
 didn't know the exact answers. Deeply appreciate ~ )
Anyway, the hurry-trip let me get a brief view of BudaPest~

Hope I could have another chance to experience this city more~
(Perhaps a native of Budapest would make that easier :D)

2011年7月12日 星期二

Medicine -- Gout!

Gout is a type of arthritis in which there is a build up of crystals from uric acid in the joints of the body. In gout, the body either makes too much uric acid or it is not able to flush out excess uric acid from the body fast enough. When it builds up, the uric acid forms into crystals and can deposit in joints (especially in the big toe). In the joint, the deposits can cause pain, swelling and tenderness. An attack of gout may occur suddenly and go away on its own after 7 to 10 days or the pain and swelling can come on slowly and last for long periods. 
(Schlesinger N et. al, Colchicine for acute gout )

(there are lots of more bloody and real images on google..... )

for the treatment of acute flares of gout
-  to prevent/decrease the build-up crystals from uric acid and deposit in joints

- it blocks the production of uric acid in the body

Nogout (Benzbromarone):
- block the re-absorption of uric acid
- increase the flush-out efficiency of uric acid


2011年7月8日 星期五

Movie-- L'Auberge Espagnole (Euro Pudding)/ The Spanish Apartment/ 西班牙公寓 (2002)

No English subtitle and .... no Traditional Chinese, too ( sad )~
Leaving home is difficult, 
but blending into another country and culture needs more courage!
Herein, I found that Xavier and his room-mates, 
they have lots of arguments, but no conflicts and judgement; 
They respect others' life styles, including their personal/private parts~
And I think that maybe the most safest, smart, and best way to 
join into a group(from a class to countries), in most cases!

Okay~, there are a lot of deeper topics and points to dig...
But, ha~ I just wanna say I seemed to feel Paris' and 
Barcelona's air, breeze, light, and some street noise 
around me....
And I regret that I did not take a line and visit the La Sagrada Familia (crying)~
Oh~ Europe~ Missing you~~~~~~~

IMDb: 7.3/10
A strait-laced French student moves into an apartment in Barcelona with a cast of six other characters from all over Europe. Together, they speak the international language of love and friendship.


Cédric Klapisch

... 「西班牙公寓」就是離家的故事。用男主角沙維的話來說,這是一個關於起飛的故事。沙維是個典型的巴黎小孩,按部就班的順著社會的軌道長大,雖然小時候捲著一頭金髮,夢想當個作家。但金髮隨著年齡逐漸轉黑,他的願望也慢慢淡忘,因為:人總是會改變的。





2002年我在捷克卡羅維瓦利影展首次看到這部電影,放映時全場笑聲、掌聲不斷,最後本片不負眾望,一舉摘下觀眾票選最佳影片,隨後並在法國等歐洲國家形成旋風,甚至造成申請赴巴塞隆納留學的人數 大增的效應。隨後,美國福斯公司買下它的世界版權,可惜雖然有了大片商撐腰,台灣卻選擇不上映, 只默默發了DVD。

Photo-- Lab 2011 (別人的 QQ)畢旅, 宜蘭


灌個水先 :P

六月底時, 在熱血學弟的熱情邀約下, 不知為何就爽快的答應了 ^^"

去了傳藝中心, 我第一次去耶~

感覺很像國...小(or 國中)時去過的中影文化城 (是國小, ^^ 記得是春or秋季旅行)
有種很新的古味, and 很空 XDD 真的很空!!!!!

這解說員很熱情的幫我們做導覽~  (雖然她的梗不好笑...)
知道了一些...  小時候長輩們教的一些規矩背後的原因,
haha... 這我就不提了, 有機會到那邊現場聽比較有趣
或是... 哪天讓我賣弄一下   XDDDDDDDDDDDDD


這鐵馬真是我看過最便宜的耶!!!!  一台一次70元!!!!!
老實說, 國高中+小六共騎了腳踏車6年 for 通勤,
觀光區的鐵馬實在對我沒有吸引力  (... 真是掃興 ^^a),
不過這次跟團...   要合群些....   :P

他們的威士忌(試喝的) 真不對我的味 = =a  很嗆!
也發現, 他家的酒都蠻貴的!!!!
不論是 Whisky or Sherry;
印象中, 在巴塞買了一罐 40% 的 Sherry 才 15eurs(~台幣 700), 那邊要價 2000~3000....
我那罐(感謝不喝烈酒的馬先生誤買了它並轉送給我, 賺到! XD) 真是要省著點喝   :)

當然, 羅東夜市一定要去的啦~ 吃吃吃!!!!!
把夜市裡的有名和沒名氣的攤子都吃過一輪了 XDDDDD
只能說, 要排隊的不一定合自己的口味~
的吃下去的東西真的有反映在我的體重上 ORZ
回來後, 我有很認命的常常去跑操場.

還去了溫泉 & 蘇澳冷泉 ...  (大家都喜歡泡腳 = =")

爬了........ 約 10 分鐘的山 XDDDD

轉個方向, 蘇澳港順便也來一張  :D

阿! 差點要忘記 羅東林場!


林場裡的木屑地和很多樹(XD 林場當然以很多樹呀!) 真是讓人感到很放鬆及舒適~
特別是在 34 度 C 的豔陽下!!
有美景的地方, 就會有人來拍婚紗照~~~~

說到婚紗照, 要跟鄭先生說:: 你的帖子我收到了哩 :))))
褲子有點繃.... XDD (雖然以體重來說, 我完全沒有資格嘲笑你....)
anyway, 恭喜恭喜~~~~~~~~