2013年12月24日 星期二

2013年11月18日 星期一

Video --- Lost Memories

LOST MEMORIES (French, English Subtitles) from Francois Ferracci on Vimeo.

Paris, 2020.
A beautiful couple, a city over-saturated by holograms and digital stream.
A polaroid camera.
Tomorrow will never be the same.
Written, Directed and post-produced by Francois Ferracci.
With Luka Kellou and Magali Heu
Music by Alexandre fortuit
Manager: Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment

2013年10月17日 星期四

2013年10月13日 星期日

Artist --- Kris Kuksi

I saw some Mr. Kuksi's [link] breathtaking works this morning.

His sculptures are pretty complicated and impressive.

these sculptures were consisted of different parts assembled together.

if you are interested in works of the artist,

you can find other works from his website [link].

2013年10月6日 星期日

HorseRiding --- 2011 NSHA World's Richest Stock Horse

oh man~

what a handsome skill!

2013年9月30日 星期一

Video --- GellusCamera


so we do not need camera stabilizers anymore~ 

give me a chicken, give me a chicken, come on.

Video --- la Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

la Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
(巴塞隆納 聖家堂)

I was there October, 2009~

It is a spectacular architecture even though it has not been completed. :)

I only knew it hadn't been finished,

now, I know the size of the Familia will be twice (or more) as large than now ^___^

looking forward to seeing it. :)

2013年9月25日 星期三

Music --- The Baguette Quartette

a hot noon again.....

it looks like a perfect day for drinking. LOL

btw, I haven't got a sudden impulse to buy a CD for a while.

Music --- A Chloris, from Melodies Book Ⅱ

comp.: Hahn, Reynaldo//1875/1947

2013年3月21日 星期四

[clips] straightening a shaft of the arrow

Using some simple tools:

This is a very original way... and the accuracy depends on experiences:

The tool used in the clip is very common for Aluminium shafts.

See how a pro makes arrows using dedicated tools:

2013年1月10日 星期四

[***] "上善若水,存乎一心"

剛剛看到同學同學 post 的一句話:

阿~ 真是超高的境界!







