I bought some Kodak Ektachrome 400X (EPL) around one year ago,
and planning to use it in this August (humming)~
So, it's time to check the capacity of this batch of 120-films.
This is a reference for the films:
//過期的底片總是有一股令人不可抗拒的神秘色調,而 Ektachrome 400x (EPL)
//新鮮的 EPL 價格昂貴,拍攝幾卷後個人感覺並不划算。而過期的版本不但較便宜,
//發色表現也比較含蓄典雅。過期的 EPL 色彩較柔和清淡且對比較小,在陰暗處會帶有淡
//iso 200~320 來拍攝,
//膠卷名稱:Kodak Ektachrome 400X (EPL)
//拍攝張數:12 or 16
The blogger mentioned bits of underexposure will result in lightly amber tone~
hm.... I don't thinks I would like the effect when using positives~
Anyway, plaining to expose those 12 frames with different level: ASA 100, 200, 400,
and 3 frames for each level.