2012年4月2日 星期一

Survival --- prepare your Bug-Out Bag & First Aid Kit


Do you already have your 72hr-Bug-Out Bag for emergency cases.....
you know, earthquake, flooding, terror, .....
This is a wonderful website for anyone who wanna start to or improve his kit~
I am going to prepare one for my family, one for myself and one for ....

my dear friends,
we live in the pacific seismic region, 
so hope you could get your kits ASAP :))))

by the way,
this site provides multi-language versions, including English, Traditional Chinese (TW),
Russian, and Vietnamese.


葉泰興的緊急求生影片(精) <- 精華版!
新聞挖挖哇:日本大浩劫(5/6) 20110314      <- 醫藥包 (First Aid Kit)
新聞挖挖哇:強震後的日本(3/6) 20110316  <- 救難包(Bug-Out Bag) 01
新聞挖挖哇:強震後的日本(4/6) 20110316  <- 救難包(Bug-Out Bag) 02
新聞挖挖哇:強震後的日本(5/6) 20110316  <- 救難包(Bug-Out Bag) 03

