2012年5月23日 星期三
DIY --- MiCarTa
Uploaded by TheLazySpoiledKitty on Aug 4, 2011
Materials needed:
1. Resin
2. Material for micarta (denim, colored paper, rags, old shirts ect.) (You Imagination is your limit!!)
3. Gloves!!
4. Wax Paper
5. Piece of Platic Bottle
6. 2 Pieces of flat wood
7. Clamps (the more the better!) + Vise if you got one
1. Mix Resin with Hardner in plastic bottle piece
1.5. Place wax paper on bottom of flat wood
2. Spread resin on each material (make sure all of it gets the resin!!)
3. Put wax paper on top of material (ones finished spreading on all of the pieces of material)
4. Place flat wood on top
5. Clamp wood down with clamps or with a vise
6. Wait 24 hours for the resin to cure!!
Congrats you have just made some Home-Made Micarta!!!!! Enjoy and stay safe!!!
1. 強力膠 (+硬化(固化)劑 <= 增強接著力)
2. 用來做 MiCarTa的材料: 單寧布, 麻布, 色紙, 碎布, 不要的衣服, ... <= 以色紙為範例
3. 手套
4. 蠟紙 x2
5. 塑膠容器: 混合強力膠 & 硬化劑 <= EX. 不要的保特瓶
6.兩塊木板 (面積比要做的 micarta 的面積大一些)
1. 在塑膠容器裡混合強力膠與硬化劑
2. 將蠟紙平鋪在木板上
3. 把 色紙 鋪在 蠟紙上
4. 於 色紙 上均勻的抹一層膠
5. 重覆 3 and 4, 直到貼完所有的 色紙
6. 將第二張 蠟紙 鋪在最上層的 色紙 上
7. 把第二塊木頭壓在蠟紙上
8. 用夾具夾住兩片木頭
9. 靜置 24 小時候完成~
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