2012年8月29日 星期三

Music --- Swan

"Mischa Maisky performs a lushly romantic cello solo in the most famous movement of the suite.
«Julian Rachlin & friends» CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL
A film by Jasmina Hajdany; music written by Camille Saint-Saëns."

2012年8月23日 星期四

murmur --- Lib.::Humanities and Social Sciences Branch

The smell of the HHS* branch does differs from the main lib.,

as working into the branch,

somehow, a giant desire of reading, being forgotten for a long time, appears.

*Humanities and Social Sciences Branch (HSS)

Soundtrack --- ARAVT

2012年8月21日 星期二

[Notes] How to make your Animal Glue?

You can find more details in "The Traditional Bowyers' Bible Vol 1 (Google Book)"
There are some samples can be free downloaded, just google it :)
or you can just make orders from Amazon.com

I think the information is not secret in the Western world any more,
but in the Eastern, lots of beginners(like me) have no idea about it.
So, I will just post some of my notes form a section of the book in Chinese.

以下是基本的 牛筋膠(sinew glue) 和 魚鰾膠(fish air-bladder glue) 的製作流程

1.0) 把牛筋放在鍋中。
       note: 牛筋最好先蒸或燙一下,然後儘可能的切成小片;如此可加速熬膠的過程。

2.0) 倒入水,蓋過牛筋。

3.0) 文火(不超過 77度C)燉 24 小時或更久,偶爾要攪拌一下。
3.1) 煮越久,膠會越黑,黏性會越差。前 10 hr 的膠是最好最黏稠的。
3.2) 把前 10 hr 的膠收起來後,剩下的牛筋可以繼續煮到 24 hr 或更久;

4.0) 關火前 1 hr 開始把浮在水面的脂肪, 泡沫 與 雜質撈掉。
       note: 把脂肪去除很不容易,但很重要! 否則膠會容易腐敗。
4.1) 在撈去雜質時要確保鍋內的溫度足夠,不要有一層膜在表面

5.0) 關火前 10 min 讓溶液保持在微微冒泡的狀態

6.0) 關火,掀開改子,讓水氣蒸發,待膠液變得比清水稠一點。

7.0) 用濾布(豆漿布)過濾熬出來的膠,並倒入盤子裡(約 1.25 cm 厚),
      note: 1.25 cm 厚是個很不錯的數值;太薄會造成結成凍的膠不易與容器分離;

8.0) 為了避免細菌孳生,要加速乾燥的過程:
     > 將盤子裡的凍塊切成 約1.25 cm 之立方體並置放於乾淨, 乾燥的表面;
     > 電風扇可幫助乾燥;
     > 乾燥過程要 保持涼爽 與 避免陽光照射,避免融化。
     note: 整個過程要涼爽且低濕度,這在台灣不易達成,特別是在夏季。

1) 將乾燥的膠塊用乾淨的冷水覆蓋,讓其吸水數小時至澎大變成果凍狀。
2) 加溫到 71C 並攪拌成均勻膠狀。
3) 等它降至工作溫度(44~60C)。

A Clip of how to make hide glue:


2012年8月13日 星期一

Archery --- Al. Arrows

I got a new & not so expensive traditional han-bow and some arrows recently.

It's good enough for a beginner :)

I took some practicing-arrows made of Aluminium from a Taiwanese seller.

The price of the arrows is pretty cheap,

but there is a serious problem:

the nock is easy departed from the shaft,

so users have to glue them together using super glue or exposy.

anyway, it's fair enough .

I'm really enjoy with them~ :)