幾塊熱香腸 + 鋪在底部的馬鈴薯...
阿~ 真是感動的一餐呀!
No more baguette!
No more raw- and cold- ham!
(順便說一下... 那的KFC炸雞也是讓我感動的其中一餐! XD)
好吧 Tapas 是極度美味誘人沒錯....
冏 但在觀光區那價錢...
沒嘗到精隨! 所以... XDD 不讓人感動!
^+++^ 不得不感謝一下TJ學長了~
稀奇古怪的火腿肉, 不知哪種動物的肝, 各式當地啤酒 & cheeses ....
(^^: 我不抽菸... 不然還有雪茄 & 當地香菸哩~)
哈哈~ 讓我們在旅館房間裡度過愉快的夜晚~
重點是... hugh我想念起當時的 potato & sausage了~
昨晚在 Carrefour 順手買了份德國香腸....
(XDD 西班牙 Carrefour裡的香檳, white wine... 的選擇&價錢真是比台灣的優太多了!!)
等等想在出去找點 potato & 橄欖油(?) 回來...
看看能不能還原當時的味道 ^^""
順便帶個被套(冏~ 在IKEA要買被套結果買到床包....) ~
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
OK~ My En-Practice time is starting ~
In the Spain trip, croissants and American coffee is alway our 1'st breakfast choice...
it's cheap, full, .... and ... yes! the fragrant coffee ~~~~~~~ ^+++^ (I really love it!)

I was very impressed by a side dish : Sausage + Potato !
I bought this in Mercat de Sant Josep (La Rambla, Barcelona, Spain),
It's one of delicious food I ate in Barcelona ~
'Cause it's a "hot food" !
Not raw- and cold- ham !
No more baguette ! (I would rather it be a appetizer~ ^^")
(by the way, the fried chicken of KFC ^^" is another delicious one, just as I got in Taiwan~)
OK~ Tapas is great ! but.... it's price .... Orz
As mentioned the side-dish, I'm really appreciate the old boy, TJ.
He brought us (me & muska) many tasty things....
varies of Spain ham (Jamon), cheeses, beer, and Lamb's(?) liver ...
(and cigarettes, cigas... but I do not smoke .... ^^a)
they bring us super night at the bedroom ....
I want to say is : I'm missing the Sausage+Potato !!!
and there're some German-Sausage in my fridge ~
and I have to go out for potato & olive oil .... to recover my favorite flavor k k ~
回覆刪除Entree(來自法文)- 在北美洲,是指主餐,但在其他英語系國家,指的是前餐。
main course - 主餐
Appetizer/Appetite - 前餐或小菜(如春卷、蒜頭麵包等)
Side dish - 小菜
Hot food - 熱食。一些小吃店家為了區別熱的食物(如漢堡、Pasta、Pizza等)和冷的食物(沙拉)【註:沒有(或很少)Cold Food 的叫法,大多直接叫沙拉或其食物名。】
Desert - 飯後甜點,絕不可少的。:D
Chief's special - 主廚介紹
Seafood - 海鮮
Snacks - 老外的零嘴。像是薯條 (chips or wedges)
Soup of the day - 本日熱湯推薦
Vegetarian - 素食。針對素食者提供的菜單。
回覆刪除I found that it's very ... very simple to make!
step 1: Boil sliced-potatoes in water.
step 2: Fry sausages with olive oil.
step 3: Put the boiled sliced-potato in the frying pan, stirring with sausages.
step 4: ~ 1min.
and.... enjoy it ^++++^