今天看到有網站分享一個新的超級好用最佳化網頁 KindleFish
(ps. 所有圖片都轉貼 SettleFlyerGuy's All Purpose Travel Blog)
這讓 Kindle 3 確確實實成了 一台好用的線上翻譯器~~~~~~
^^ 這是這款最佳化( for kindle)網頁的其中一個特點,
將 output language 選成 'Chinese' , 出來的結果就是繁體中文了;
接著,如果想把這網頁設成 我的最愛(或在 FireFox/Chrom 裡稱為 書籤/Bookmark),
只需要 當你在瀏覽此網頁時,
按下 'menu' > 'Bookmark This Page'
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剛剛才發現,kindle 裡內建很多 bookmarks 耶!
BBC, Yahoo, Facebook, IMDb, ESPN, .....
使用 kindle 真是驚奇不斷 ^^:
2011年3月28日 星期一
2011年3月25日 星期五
2011年3月23日 星期三
Camera-- Polaroid SX-70
I loved Polaroid SX-70.....
However, as the price had raised to over $2 per paper......
And after I reviewed the photos on flick's SX-70 Group......
I withdraw myself from the desire for owning this camera ^^"
And don't know why... Photos of the AD. are so.... sharp and vivid!
They are absolutely different form what I saw on flickr and form some of my friends' album!
I guess the papers in the AD is made by original Polaroid Co. .....
And the Polaroid Co. had better tech. to make the paper for Polaroid camera than
the NEW manufacturer ~
Oh, by the way, I just withdraw temporary !!!!!
When the price and paper quality ( resolution and uniformity) could reach to some level~
I'll completely fall in it !!!! :)))
I have my reason to choose to join Polaroid latter~
However, my friends~ Polaroid is a unique system of cameras!!!
So, if you like it, Go For it!!!!!!!! ^+++++^
Looking forward to seeing your photos~
2011年3月17日 星期四
Repair--- Grado-SR225

One of the Speaker was disconnected from the metal rod AGAIN..... = =""""""
So I use super-glue to glue them together!
Maybe I will refer the following method (provide via sr. Granvik) to fix this problem permanently next time!
I examined Peltor H9A Noise protection headset I happened to have. Just a standard piece of hearing protection for general usage. I removed the black plastic pads and found out those Grado sound producing units would fit fine in there.
How to do it:
1) Draw out intented 'cuts' with a pen to the noise protector, this cut allows the cord fit in with the black pads.
2) Saw the cuts, I used standard power saw.
3) Fit the sound producing units in. I had luck, it went straight in.
4) Enjoy.
2011年3月16日 星期三
Leather --- Camera Hipbag

I made this hip bag in last weekend~

This bag has a capacity of a Contax T3 and a roll of 135-film~

The thickness of the leather used in this object is ~2.5mm!!!!!
The sewing was absolutely a painful process.....
(Thanking for the help of pliers~~~~~)
And, this just version 1.0~ :P
Hope v1.1 and further versions could come out as soon as possible~ ^+++++++^
2011年3月5日 星期六
2011年3月1日 星期二
Music-- DVORAK : Romance in Fminor, Op. 11
This Version sounds like ..... Itzhak Perlman (just guess~).
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