This Blog is SUPER COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are lots of special photos!
Parts of people, car, smoke, ..... of the photos are movable~~~~ (excited) :)
That evokes me "The Daily Prophet" of Harry Potter ^+++^
連結裡的 部落格 真是超及有趣的耶!!!!!
嘿~ 像是 路邊的阿伯看報紙會翻頁, 美女的頭髮會飄, 車子會動.....
這讓我想起哈利波特裡的 每日預言報 及 魔法世界裡的相片~
一定要連過去看看 :)))
2011年4月28日 星期四
Photo-- Cat
2011年4月27日 星期三
2011年4月26日 星期二
2011年4月25日 星期一
Photo-- 攝影的"主線"

不經意,話題又回到 攝影。生活。未來 上.
^^" 我也暗自問了一下自己這個問題~
似乎,我從沒仔細想過這個問題! ^^a
除了是興趣, 也成了我生活裡的一部分 ^+++++++^
最近,"美景,不必遠求;俯拾即是" 的感覺變得越來越強烈!
拍人像,對一般只是愛攝影的人來說,家人 & 最親近的友人 最美的一面,只有你明瞭!
拍景,只有在地人知道的私藏景"點",也只有在那兒住了好幾年的你才知道 :-)
(如過,連私藏景點都不知道,那我得說...你似乎沒有好好的體驗 & 認識自己的生活環境)
人生就是這樣~ (smile)
如果,你有更大的目標 ^++++++++^ GREAT!!!
我心深處似乎也存在這東西~ ^^
當 discovery/National Geographic Channel的攝影師);
哪天,^^ 你突然有了那股勇氣 或許可拋下一切逐夢去!
而所需的基本技術, 審美觀, 洞察力, 知識, .... 早就在平日累積 :) ;
或是,慢慢準備~ 時間到了, 時機對了~ 一切就這麼水到渠成.
^^ 這問題在各領域一直是個大問題!
包含研究領域 ^^"""""
大師們, 先輩們, 為我們奠定了很多基礎~ (很多題目都被討論過了)
似乎,想要超越它們有點難度 (有很"大"一點);
但,看看各展覽 or journal papers,
大家一直都在前進,即便只是一小小步 :)
是的~ 只要你投身其中,將來的一天,您也是奠定基礎的其中一位先輩~
just do it! (with some premises, of course~)
這時是很好的一個口號 ^+++++^
這東西被說到快爛掉了 XDDDD
器材,不是重點!! 重點是拿器材的人!!!!
大家都知道這點 :))))))))))))
只是,每個人都有夢想的終極器材 (用力點頭)~
玩相機..... 我想也是一種樂趣~ ("玩"這個字,本身就是"花錢"的另一種闡述方式)
以我來說,自從2009年5月 Contax T3 到我手上後,
其他少用的相機(TLR) & lens(135mm)也都相繼轉手賣掉了.
有時,還是會被捲入器材追求的大漩渦 XDDDDDD
(前陣子,才從 Hasselblad & Rollei 裡逃出)~
(你可以發現,我一直重複在提"逃出"這件事,那是因為...我心中慾念還在 冏)
玩車的人所追求的馬力, 扭力, cc數;電腦玩家的 CPU時脈, RAM, & 硬碟容量;
女生的包包, 鞋子, &衣服;... etc
既然"玩",和你的經濟能力有關 ^^
and 我想,它可以被歸類在 攝影 之下的其中一個 sub-category~
沒有好或不好 & 低級高級的問題 :))
我手邊只有一台 GRD2~
很方便 &極度實用 且得到的影像品質很好,
但我對底片有滿滿 &無盡的愛 >//////<
似乎,我對所有的討論項都沒給一個很確切的答案 (smile)
是的,很多 事件本身 並無好壞~
只有合不合你用 :))))
綜觀之,這也是在網路上 & 現實生活裡被說過很多次的東西~
XD 這是篇沒有營養的文章,每個一陣子就會有人在網路上再提一次的東西~
但秉持著輸人不輸陣的原則, XD 我的 BLOG 也要來一篇~
Photo-- Road 122 (II)
2011年4月19日 星期二
Movie-- CashBack/ 超市夜未眠
IMDb & 開演電影
Memorable Quote of The Movie:
Ben Willis: I've always wanted to be a painter, maybe have my work hung in a gallery one day.
Sharon Pintey: I've always wanted to meet a painter.
Ben Willis: Why?
Sharon Pintey: I think it might have something to do with their ability to see beauty in everything.
It looks like my type~
hope it would not disappoint me~ ;-)
把《Cashback》製成長片似乎是導演Sean Ellis原本就擬定好的計畫,入圍2006奧斯卡最佳短片則讓它看起來更來勢洶洶、信心十足。
故事描述美術系學生 Ben 失戀後患上失眠,為了消磨時間於是開始在賣場裡值大夜班,他和他各形各色的同事們除了要對抗討人厭的老闆之外,每個人對於如何應付八個小時的漫長夜班也各有一套方法。大家都想把時間過的快一點,但Ben卻選擇把時間暫停,仔細捕捉每一個人的美。時間靜止了,而他開始行動了。
Photo-- Peaceful Day

Today, I leave my office for dinner alone~
Love today's weather, smooth & comfortable wind~
After dinner, I bought a bottle of Coke (ZERO, of course),
Drank it nearby a lake in the campus :-)
The wave light is so beautiful,
and trees, leaves, they sang with the wind....
what a wonderful, harmonious symphony!
By the way,
I borrowed some Ansel Adams' and Daido Moriyama books form the library~
hope I can over-read them before 30th June~
2011年4月14日 星期四
Photo-- Lotus Pound + Moskva-5

Moskva5, Moskva5~
I'm familiar with using you since this morning~ ^^"
The location of its shutter is on the left-hand side .......
and I am a right-handed = =""
anyway, everything is going good!
by the way, this pound is a cooling pound of a lab. nuclear reactor system :)))
but do not feel fear or worry about this!
these lotuses just in their seed-period,
and not dead by affecting by radiation~
三月底從 Russia 買了台 Moskva-5 相機;
Moskva-5 是台 6X9,俱疊影對焦的老蛇腹相機~
相關歷史.... 我就懶得打了 ^^" google 一下很多資料就跳出來啦.
有好多事情需要從新習慣 ^^"
像是 快門在左手邊.... 這讓我一時間有點無所適從....
就是說,沒有過片 --> 無法按快門~
又,有把玩過老相機的人都知道, 這類老相機按快門前要有個"上膛"的步驟
(我想,也是為了防止誤觸快門浪費底片的設計吧 @@?);
容易出現的情況就是: 過完片,忘了上膛 就按下快門!!!
結果就是,快門根本沒有動作 冏~ 但...你又要再過一次片才能按快門了....
這一下,就浪費了一張 6X9 底片 = ="" (== 1.5張 6x6底片大小)!!!!!
anyway, 今天出去吃東西時,又拿它拍了幾張照片,過程還算流暢 ^^
(有拍成功的)結果還算滿意 ^++++^
hm... hasselblad 500CM & rollei SL66~ 再等等~
到時再收藏你們 ^^""
要極淺的景深,一般135相機的 光圈2.2~2.8已經夠用...
反到是120的無敵淺景深.... 我眼拙... 容易就沒對到焦 冏!
hm....好吧,常在flickr (here and here)上看到一些日本人,用120相機把家人小孩拍得很漂亮 ^^"
(私以為,這需要更熟稔的技術及更好的家人配合度<小朋友要好好訓練!!>才達的到 ^^a)
Photo-- Road 122
2011年4月12日 星期二
Movie-- Mr. Hollland's Opus/ 春風化雨1996
I saw this old (released in 1995) movie last night~
A frustrated composer finds fulfillment as a high school music teacher.
Mr. Hollond's first day started with nervous and depressed,
especially after the first examination~
He felt he wasted his time in the music class, so did those student....
One day, the president told to him that
as a teacher, you should not only must teach knowledge
but also be their moral compass~
And Mr. Holland stared to his real teacher period then~
Even though be a great teacher,
there are still some trivial things, family problems, his life have to be deal with!
Teaching his son, and other children;
Loving his wife, and his family or.... a young, and talent student;
His dream: compose a great symphony,
and gain money to make his families live a carefree life....
Finally, he found that students who were taught by
him were the note, the rhythm of his symphony~
The symphony of life!
2011年4月9日 星期六
2011年4月8日 星期五
2011年4月5日 星期二
Appreciate --- Gave us a Ride
ha, I am in my office now, even though today is a national holiday.....
(I wanna get my Ph.D degreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............)
Anyway, I give myself a 1.5hr break and today's cloud, temperature....
evoke a warming experience as I missed the last bus in Gosausee, Austria.
Because of our travelling budget, time,.....
we just had 2 days to visit Hallstatt, Ice Cave, and Gosausee.....
(we did not visit the Salt Mine.... sad!)
You know, time always does not enough for visiting such beautiful and romantic landscapes!
As a backpacker,
bus/train timetable is always the first thing to check,
especially when you arrive to a great place :))))
so, I checked the time, 17:10, for the last bus which would take us back to our hotel (Hallstatt).
And then...... Enjoying ~
I was plaining to be a skinny-dipper :)))
But I partner would not join with me............
we took some salon-like photos ^+++++^
ding, ding, ding~~~
It's time to go to the bus stop! (16:40)~
it's 17:20!!!! where's the bus.........
In our experience, Austria's public communications are always on time!
So, we checked the timetable again.....
OH MAN!!!!
17:10 is for School-Day, Monday to Friday!!!
However, it's Sunday ................ We missed the last bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How fortunately! We met this kind man and his lovely mom~
In the beginning, this gentleman and the lady were just finishing exercise walking,
and asked me "Do you know what time is it?"~
^^" I answered "WE MISS THE LAST BUS"......
so~ ^++++++++++^ they took us to a bus stop, and we can take bus to our hotel at the stop~
After checking the timetable(bus will arrive in 10min), they went into a across-street store~
I had nothing to do as waiting bus... so I checked the timetable again....
MAMAMIYA...... we made the same mistake.....
the bus will arrive in 10min is for School-day only!!!
We had to wait around 45min for the bus on that day (Sunday)~
As you know, in Europe, stores and vendors are off around 18:00~19:30 in weekend....
and we had about 30min to kill before the bus arriving,
so, we went into the store to buy our dinner~
The Lady saw us and asked "why you are here?"
After explaining, they decided to take us to Hallstatt and
the Lady bought cakes and chocolate-bars to us (I was almost crying.... what a great Lady!),
and the gentleman told us:
"It's not worth to spend time waiting a bus in such beautiful place and vocation~"
In the car, we talked about Hallstall's history, where is the MUST VISIT, and
man should have a wife in each country :) (the Lady has some different opinion, of course ),
and sang "500 miles" : away from home, away from home~~~~
We deeply appreciate your kindness and help~
And I am going to sent a postcard to you Lady ~
Hoping the postcard can arrive to your house
(Because I'm not sure the address is correct... = ="
you know, handwriting sometimes is hard to recognize,
especially for people, like me, whose first language is not English...)
(I wanna get my Ph.D degreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............)
Anyway, I give myself a 1.5hr break and today's cloud, temperature....
evoke a warming experience as I missed the last bus in Gosausee, Austria.
Because of our travelling budget, time,.....
we just had 2 days to visit Hallstatt, Ice Cave, and Gosausee.....
(we did not visit the Salt Mine.... sad!)
You know, time always does not enough for visiting such beautiful and romantic landscapes!
As a backpacker,
bus/train timetable is always the first thing to check,
especially when you arrive to a great place :))))
so, I checked the time, 17:10, for the last bus which would take us back to our hotel (Hallstatt).
And then...... Enjoying ~
I was plaining to be a skinny-dipper :)))
But I partner would not join with me............
we took some salon-like photos ^+++++^
ding, ding, ding~~~
It's time to go to the bus stop! (16:40)~
it's 17:20!!!! where's the bus.........
In our experience, Austria's public communications are always on time!
So, we checked the timetable again.....
OH MAN!!!!
17:10 is for School-Day, Monday to Friday!!!
However, it's Sunday ................ We missed the last bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How fortunately! We met this kind man and his lovely mom~
In the beginning, this gentleman and the lady were just finishing exercise walking,
and asked me "Do you know what time is it?"~
^^" I answered "WE MISS THE LAST BUS"......
so~ ^++++++++++^ they took us to a bus stop, and we can take bus to our hotel at the stop~
After checking the timetable(bus will arrive in 10min), they went into a across-street store~
I had nothing to do as waiting bus... so I checked the timetable again....
MAMAMIYA...... we made the same mistake.....
the bus will arrive in 10min is for School-day only!!!
We had to wait around 45min for the bus on that day (Sunday)~
As you know, in Europe, stores and vendors are off around 18:00~19:30 in weekend....
and we had about 30min to kill before the bus arriving,
so, we went into the store to buy our dinner~
The Lady saw us and asked "why you are here?"
After explaining, they decided to take us to Hallstatt and
the Lady bought cakes and chocolate-bars to us (I was almost crying.... what a great Lady!),
and the gentleman told us:
"It's not worth to spend time waiting a bus in such beautiful place and vocation~"
In the car, we talked about Hallstall's history, where is the MUST VISIT, and
man should have a wife in each country :) (the Lady has some different opinion, of course ),
and sang "500 miles" : away from home, away from home~~~~
We deeply appreciate your kindness and help~
And I am going to sent a postcard to you Lady ~
Hoping the postcard can arrive to your house
(Because I'm not sure the address is correct... = ="
you know, handwriting sometimes is hard to recognize,
especially for people, like me, whose first language is not English...)
Movie-- London Boulevard/ 倫敦大道
"London Boulevard" is the story of a man newly released
from prison who falls in love with a reclusive young movie star
and finds himself in a duel with a vicious gangster.
Somehow, there is only one Chinese trailer of this movie on youtube,
and the trailer dose not have Chinese subtitle..... what a frreak Chinese trailer!?
In fact, I do not understand the last portion of this movie:
Why Jorden kills himself? 'Cause Mitchel was killed?
By the way, Mitchel seems that has the personality to make people like him,
his sister wants to earn his care,
Charlotte falls in love with him at first sight,
Jorden...... the gangster......
everyone wants and likes him~
Movie-- Le Concert
I knew this movie as I was searching one of Tchaikovsky's violin concert around one year ago~
And I saw this movie last week....
hm..... I love the music portion and the actress (>////<),
however, I think the screenplay is not good enough~ ^^"
anyway, if you like classic music and like Tchaikovsky's violin concert, go and enjoy it :))
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