2011年2月22日 星期二

Camera-- !!?

It's so.... cool!!!!

Seems to a mobilization and integration surveillance camera, wireless technique, and mobile phone~

Clip--- The 8th day /Mercedes-Benz

Discover Ch. --- Out of Body Lung /Is It Possible

even though I saw human lungs in my anatomic lecture....., static! of course~

it's still so wired to see a lung works outside human body ^^"

ps. I guess the ideal of this tech. maybe comes form Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)~

2011年2月20日 星期日

Photo-- New Calendar

I bought this tini-calendar as waiting for a train to Baden in Vienna~



'Cause both side of each paper are so cute~
in the back side, there are some information about 
what is the time of sunrise, sunset, moon-rise, moon-set,....
when the day is a memorial day, there will be a brief illustration and a lovely plate/drawing~
so I collect them and paste them up in my diary~ :))))))))

by the way,
Since I bought it in Vienna, the official language is German,
words of the calendar are German, of course....
so, I consult a dictionary (Google Translator, indeed ^^") for getting the definition when I feel like doing that~
It's good, a good opportunity to learn a new Language for me....
(even though they are very simple....)
anyway, next time I have chance to visit a country where people speak German,
I can say that:
> hey man, I can speak German~
> Montag(Monday), Dienstag(Tuesday), Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag, Woche(week), Neujahr(new year)... (smile)

Photo---Reduce Expenditure/ 節流


For traveling around the world ~

I cutoff lots of desire and greed for buying cameras, clothing, ....

:)))) hope this could endure for a while......

ha, 不過一回想起旅行的愉快與刺激,
這些 lilicoco 的消費慾望著實減低很多!
(^^" 還是....其實該買的也早就都買得差不多了??!)
書....大概是戒不掉的花費, 不過 ^^ 這次趁書展打折, 折現金, & 花旗卡滿1388打8折買的....
8本書也夠翻一陣子了 XDDDDDDD
加上 amazon 一堆免費的經典文學 電子書 也是可省下很多$$
(大概要看20本免費書就可以算是回收成本了 XDDDD)

喔, 說到電子書, 最近翻了一下愛麗絲夢遊仙境(Alice's Adventure in Wonderland),
這次看原文書時, 我對這小女孩的樂觀感到....訝異,
她藉由自言自語可以很快的轉換心境耶!!!!! (^^" 我哪天也來試試好了)

最後, 再推薦一本有趣的書: 我睡了81個人的沙發

走到旅遊書區時, 被這本書的封面 & 書名吸引,
想說: 是有81個小故事描述81張沙發的經驗嗎???? XDDD 這....
anyway, 從 chapter 1開始, 不自覺就把書翻完了 ^^""""""
作者由我們都經歷過 or 正經歷著的事件:
升學,  完美的人生計畫: 小學, 中學, 大學, 工作, 28結婚, 30生子, ......
心中常常浮現的念頭: 放下擁有的一切, 藉由自我放逐來認識自己....
作者分享了她自我放逐的心歷路程, 有趣(驚險)的經歷...
她的用字與一些想法 and OS 讓我在書局裡像癡漢般.... 忽然就一陣笑 XDDDDD
啊~~~~  我也要 gap year~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` :P

/*** 20 Feb, 2011 **********************************************************************/

今天第一次注意到這本書的英文 title 是 : The Disappeared Year
:-) 跟中文的名稱很不一樣;

the disappeared year, 實在很有趣 :))))


補上 博客來網頁上 的一段介紹文:

2011年2月17日 星期四

2011年2月15日 星期二

Photo--- Chilly & Rainy Day


It's a chilly and  rainy day.......

and I am going to go back to my dorm....

And I am really like to take the new key of the Photo Club's dark room.....

There are about 20 Black-and-White films still lie on my table (crying)~

/**** 20 Feb, 2011 ***********************************/
I got the key yesterday, finally.
And hang out with two (a couple) of the member of Photo-Club :)))
That's a great night, even though I was absolutely the third wheel ^^a

Photo--- Cherry Blossom


It's my fist time to shoot Blossoms~

There are so....o many similar photos/copies about this subject: flower,

And I always sniff at these works.....

ha~ hello, Mr. Sniff-at, I'm here.....

Paint--- Nicoletta Ceccoli

 Nicoletta Ceccoli's Website  & FaceBook
>> Nicoletta Ceccoli is an Artist and Illustrator from the Republic of San Marino, Italy.

2011年2月14日 星期一

Paint--- The Tree of Life/Klimt


The Tree of Life


by Gustav Klimt

The Tree of Life is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the earth, it dwells in three worlds- a link between heaven, the earth, and the underworld, uniting above and below. It is both a feminine symbol, bearing sustenance, and a masculine, visibly phallic symbol- another union."

feminine (女性的): conventionally associated with women
sustenance: Food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment
masculine (男性的): of traditional manly character
phallic (陰莖的, 陰莖崇拜的):  of phallus: relating to or resembling a phallus

I met Klimt last October as traveling in Vienna, 

I love his "gold leaf" works :))))))

so bought some post cards of his masterpiece to home
(it's the most economical choice ^^a )

hope you would like his paints

Movie-- Pope Joan/聖袍天下:驚世女教皇 (2009)

"A 9th century woman of English extraction (英國血統) born in the German city of Ingelheim disguises (偽裝, 裝扮) herself as a man and rises through the Vaticanv (梵諦岡) ranks (an official position)."

"One of the most controversial (爭論的) women of history is brought to brilliant life in Donn Woolfolk Cross's (小說作者) tale of Pope Joan, a girl whose origins (出身) should have kept her in squalid (髒的) domesticity ((家庭)生活). Instead, through her intelligence, indomitability (不屈不饒) and courage, she ascended (登上) to the throne of (寶座) Rome as Pope John Anglicus.

The time is 814, the place is Ingelheim, a Frankland village. It is the harshest winter in living memory when Joan is born to an English father and a Saxon mother. Her father is a canon (教士), filled with holy zeal (狂熱, 熱誠) and capable of unconscionable cruelty (指 會做出一些極度(讓人無法理解的)殘忍/酷行為). His piety (虔誠) does not extend to his family members, especially the females. His wife, Gudrun, is a young beauty to whom he was attracted beyond his will--and he hates her for showing him his weakness. Gudrun teaches Joan about her gods, and is repeatedly punished for it by the canon. Joan grows to young womanhood with the combined knowledge of the warlike Saxon gods and the teachings of the Church as her heritage (命運, 天命). Both realities inform her life forever.

When her brother John, not a scholarly type, is sent away to school, Joan, who was supposed to be the one sent to school, runs away and joins him in Dorstadt, at Villaris, the home of Gerold, who is central to Joan's story. She falls in love with Gerold and their lives interesect repeatedly even through her Papacy(當教皇的時期). She is looked upon (被(信徒們)仰望; 想像他剛被宣布為教宗, 登基時, 站在台上受眾人敬拜的場面) by all who (Gerold) know that she is a woman as a "lusus naturae(Latin)," a freak of nature. "She was... male in intellect, female in body, she fit in nowhere; it was as if she belonged to a third amorphous sex." Cross (苦難) makes the case over and over again that the status (身分, 地位) of women in the Dark Ages was little better than cattle(牲口). They were judged inferior in every way, and necessary evils in the bargain.

After John (Joan的二哥) is killed in a Viking (維京人的) attack, Joan sees her opportunity to escape the fate of all her gender (性別). She cuts her hair, dons (put on) her dead brother's clothes and goes into the world as a young boy. Gerold is away from Villaris at the time of the attack and comes home to find his home in ruins, his family killed and Joan among (In the company of) the missing. After the attack, Joan goes to a Benedictine monastery (男修道院// convent 女子修道院), is accepted as a young man of great learning, and eventually makes her way to Rome."

ha, 有認真的把簡單名詞翻譯加上去~


西元814年的歐洲中古時代,當時女性飽受社會的歧視與種種限制。約漢娜(喬漢娜沃卡萊克 飾)是一位擁有英格蘭血統的女子,她誕生於一個德國平凡的家庭。從小,她在教士父親重男輕女的觀念下長大,但,憑著過人的才智、膽識,約漢娜女扮男裝,頂替早逝的哥哥進入修道院。 



2011年2月11日 星期五




很多時刻, 都想做做記錄....
但每每翻開本子 or 打開 blog 時, 那衝動就消逝...

即便到現在, 所有念頭一樣混沌 = =a
總之, 先隨意打打大綱....

- Sentimental
這次回家待了一周多 (不包含除夕前一週回家油漆2天),
算是近.... 8年吧~ 留在家裡最久的一段日子,
總感覺常見面的的家人與親戚 (父母, 叔叔, 姑姑, 阿姨, 舅舅, ...)老得特別明顯,
(和那些 叔公, 姨婆相比);

很多同學朋友, 都以有正式的工作甚至成家,
先不論那工作是否是我喜歡的 or 收入如何,
我, 自1983 出生自今, 很幸福的過著生活:
爺爺, 父母, 叔叔, 姑姑, 妹妹... ,女友....
每個人對於我的任性與夢想的追尋 & 許多奢侈的喜好 總是與以支持與容忍~

很許多人相比, 何其幸運,
可惜的是, 不知從某天開始, 怠惰了 (這是另一段故事, 哪天再來討論唄)!

- Dreamland
躲在小天地裡的我, 最近似乎特別的多夢;
不乏 被背叛, 逃跑, .., 極度哀傷, 無助.... (怪哉, 總之要解夢的話就是 壓力(笑~));
其實, 還蠻感激那腦子所模擬出的這些場景,
讓我預先體會了很多人生抉擇(or 我還沒有勇氣做的選擇);
和現實不同的是, 準備申請的是"建築相關"科系,
醒來前, 似乎正陷入
"為何自己會走上建築相關的領域, 和自己原本主修的領域差這樣多?"
醒來後, 慶幸 :) 我還是原來的我~

- Once was, maybe still be
對於研究這檔事, 依舊很愛!!!!!
只是.... (笑~)
曾經, 想把現階段的東西當作 Project 來做, 也做了一陣子~
想想可笑....... 當專題生時的熱血, 碩士生時的幹勁,..... 哪去了?
明明還是很愛的一份工作, 卻熱情不在 Orz
某學長曾說過: 既然來了, 就先完成它吧!
現實總是如此, 但逃避總是最糟的做法!

- Quote
"要學會在不喜歡的人面前微笑, 不動聲色"
老實說, 我也沒有啥真正不喜歡的人~
大家多數時候都對我很好 :) (即便是常要凹人的人~)
在不喜歡的人面前微笑, 似乎也是在這世間生存的第一門課,
值得開心與悲傷的是, 我似乎在年紀不這麼長的時候, 便有了許多練習....

- Sum Up
周遭有很多愛我的人, 與越來越多我愛的人, 支持著我;
有些事,是到了該了結的階段,為自己, 也為那些人~
很多時刻, 笑一下(即便是虛偽的)便過了, 不用太計較, 人生路上美好的人事物還等著呢 :)
加油, 好嗎 :)))

Movie-- Maléfique/聖歌(or 監獄驚駭日, 兇符) (2002)

= =" I do not find any trailers with English or Traditional Chinese subtitle.....
so.... we can image it with help of IMDb's description and the trailer~

And 台灣的朋友~ :) 你們可以在 PPS 上找到它耶!

It's a extreme bloody movie.....
so make sure you are not in a meal as watching it.....

"In a penitentiary, four prisoners occupy a cell: Carrère, who used his company to commit a fraud and was betrayed by his wife; the drag Marcus and his protégée, the retarded Paquerette, who ate his six months sister; and the intellectual, Lassalle who killed his wife. One night, Carrère finds an ancient journal hidden in a hole in the wall of the cell. They realize that the book was written by Danvers in the beginning of the last century and is about black magic. They decide to read and use its content to escape from the prison, when they find the truth about Danvers' fate."

"聖歌劇情簡介:簡介:一名商人在被判入獄後在獄中悟出原來是他妻子陷害了他,奪走了他的公司、財產以及兒子。主人公所在的牢房內另有三人:一名易性癖的青年男子,一名什麼東西都要喫的弱智年輕男子以及一名具有紳士風度的老年男子。某日,主人公在自己的床靠著的牆壁裡發現了一本古舊的書本,居然是二十世紀二十年代的一位魔法師的日記,上面記載了他發現的種種黑魔法。牢房裡的四人無意間發現書上的魔法居然都無比靈驗,便決定利用穿牆而過的魔法逃獄。一次失敗的嘗試之後,弱智的年輕男子撕扯著喫下了書頁,便痛苦地扭曲著死去了;母親般深愛著他的易性癖男子痛苦地將書丟出了牢房的窗戶,主人公和老紳士錯愕不已 活著的三人該怎麼辦呢?第二天,監獄管理人員清理了亂喫東西的年輕人的尸首後,一位穿著像魔術師般的中年人進入了牢房,帶著他的DV,在死去的年輕人的床位住下了。可是第二天他又消失不見了,監獄管理人員說根本沒有送來過新的犯人。主人公三人在那人留下的DV中看到了那人晚間施行穿牆而過的魔法的錄像,並且在牢房中再次發現了那本書。這一回,他們成功了,但是在施行了魔法之後,他們發現自己不是在牢房外面,而是來到了... "

"... 這部法國的恐怖片卻是完全不同的表現型式,全片的場景就在幾間牢房之中,完整且緊湊的演出了一個與魔鬼交易的故事



2011年2月10日 星期四

Movie--- Sleepers/ 豪情四兄弟(1996)


"在《豪情四兄弟》中,巴瑞李文森用了三段式的映像風格,以呈現劇中四位小兄弟的少年無知,與牢獄中的黯慘無光!乃至法庭中為了復仇所展現的陰冷與低調,來反映他們一朝受辱、終生難忘的人生陰影。 "

"After a prank goes disastrously wrong, a group of boys are sent to a detention center where they are brutalized; over 10 years later, they get their chance for revenge."

by the way, Robert De Niro was so young~

2011年2月9日 星期三

Movie--- The American /完美狙擊 (2010)

開演電影 &  a Blog


It lets us know a killer is still a person,

He needs to eat, talk to someone, love, sex, of course.....

In this movie, we could watch a killer's normal daily schedule ~

Like it~ ^^

Quote--- Celine/ Before Sunset, Thesdays With Morrie (1999)/ 最後14堂星期二的課, It's Complicated(2009)/ 愛找麻煩

" There was this famous writer ----I don't remember who---who said the ideal relationship
 was two intense years, with clean breaks, fresh starts, friends for life, something like that.
It's like you know your relationship had to end in two years, there would be no room for fighting
or wasted time. There could be more love and appreciation for one another. It's like, if everyone you met you knew was going to die at midnight, you would be a much more compassionate person. I mean, everyone's going to die, but since no one knows when, there's all the time in the world to be assholes to one another."

And it evokes me another movie "Thesdays With Morrie (1999)/ 最後14堂星期二的課"

I read this book when I was a senior high school student....

till last week, I saw the movie :)))
It's still so touch and introspective~

And.... ^^ "It's Complicated(2009)/ 愛找麻煩"

yap, what the movie try to explain is really soooooo complicated! :)
People always find how much they love and care about each other after
breaking up, divorcing, .....
And when the moment passed........ (smile)
This love would stay in the deepest of your heart~
How so????
You know, it's complicated~

Movie-- Boiler Room /2000

TW Blog

"A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm, 
which puts him on the fast track to success, 
but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds."

I saw this movie many years ago,

And I found it on internet today....

Somehow, I watched it again ^^a

I am always interested in the Money-matter!
(Do not have opportunity to be involved in yet :) )

Anyway, the screenplay tells us something dark side and ugly truth about stock market....

hm..... maybe I will watch it again after few years :)))

Movie-- Brumer 2

Release:07 March, 2006
IMDb no.:402874
導演:Pyotr Buslov
Cast:弗拉季米爾·弗多維琴科夫 / 安德列·馬斯連基 / 斯薇坦娜·烏斯蒂諾娃 / Nikolai Olyalin / Aleksandr Golubyov / 謝爾蓋·格羅布琴科
Language: Russian
Other Title:Heaven on Earth

There are so many great Russian movies......
However, Taiwan's Cinema/Film executives do not buy them for audiences...
What a pity!!!!!
For this situation, I have to thanks for the help of people who live in China,
They help to translate and make subtitles .....  :)
Even though... you know.....
Anyway, Thanks, so I can enjoy sooooo many masterpieces~