I bought this tini-calendar as waiting for a train to Baden in Vienna~

'Cause both side of each paper are so cute~
in the back side, there are some information about
what is the time of sunrise, sunset, moon-rise, moon-set,....
when the day is a memorial day, there will be a brief illustration and a lovely plate/drawing~
so I collect them and paste them up in my diary~ :))))))))
by the way,
Since I bought it in Vienna, the official language is German,
words of the calendar are German, of course....
so, I consult a dictionary (Google Translator, indeed ^^") for getting the definition when I feel like doing that~
It's good, a good opportunity to learn a new Language for me....
(even though they are very simple....)
anyway, next time I have chance to visit a country where people speak German,
I can say that:
> hey man, I can speak German~
> Montag(Monday), Dienstag(Tuesday), Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag, Woche(week), Neujahr(new year)... (smile)