2011年2月14日 星期一

Movie-- Pope Joan/聖袍天下:驚世女教皇 (2009)

"A 9th century woman of English extraction (英國血統) born in the German city of Ingelheim disguises (偽裝, 裝扮) herself as a man and rises through the Vaticanv (梵諦岡) ranks (an official position)."

"One of the most controversial (爭論的) women of history is brought to brilliant life in Donn Woolfolk Cross's (小說作者) tale of Pope Joan, a girl whose origins (出身) should have kept her in squalid (髒的) domesticity ((家庭)生活). Instead, through her intelligence, indomitability (不屈不饒) and courage, she ascended (登上) to the throne of (寶座) Rome as Pope John Anglicus.

The time is 814, the place is Ingelheim, a Frankland village. It is the harshest winter in living memory when Joan is born to an English father and a Saxon mother. Her father is a canon (教士), filled with holy zeal (狂熱, 熱誠) and capable of unconscionable cruelty (指 會做出一些極度(讓人無法理解的)殘忍/酷行為). His piety (虔誠) does not extend to his family members, especially the females. His wife, Gudrun, is a young beauty to whom he was attracted beyond his will--and he hates her for showing him his weakness. Gudrun teaches Joan about her gods, and is repeatedly punished for it by the canon. Joan grows to young womanhood with the combined knowledge of the warlike Saxon gods and the teachings of the Church as her heritage (命運, 天命). Both realities inform her life forever.

When her brother John, not a scholarly type, is sent away to school, Joan, who was supposed to be the one sent to school, runs away and joins him in Dorstadt, at Villaris, the home of Gerold, who is central to Joan's story. She falls in love with Gerold and their lives interesect repeatedly even through her Papacy(當教皇的時期). She is looked upon (被(信徒們)仰望; 想像他剛被宣布為教宗, 登基時, 站在台上受眾人敬拜的場面) by all who (Gerold) know that she is a woman as a "lusus naturae(Latin)," a freak of nature. "She was... male in intellect, female in body, she fit in nowhere; it was as if she belonged to a third amorphous sex." Cross (苦難) makes the case over and over again that the status (身分, 地位) of women in the Dark Ages was little better than cattle(牲口). They were judged inferior in every way, and necessary evils in the bargain.

After John (Joan的二哥) is killed in a Viking (維京人的) attack, Joan sees her opportunity to escape the fate of all her gender (性別). She cuts her hair, dons (put on) her dead brother's clothes and goes into the world as a young boy. Gerold is away from Villaris at the time of the attack and comes home to find his home in ruins, his family killed and Joan among (In the company of) the missing. After the attack, Joan goes to a Benedictine monastery (男修道院// convent 女子修道院), is accepted as a young man of great learning, and eventually makes her way to Rome."

ha, 有認真的把簡單名詞翻譯加上去~


西元814年的歐洲中古時代,當時女性飽受社會的歧視與種種限制。約漢娜(喬漢娜沃卡萊克 飾)是一位擁有英格蘭血統的女子,她誕生於一個德國平凡的家庭。從小,她在教士父親重男輕女的觀念下長大,但,憑著過人的才智、膽識,約漢娜女扮男裝,頂替早逝的哥哥進入修道院。 



