後來才發現是台製品, 那價錢是正常售價 XDDD 沒有賺到!
當時的想法是: 反正不利就自己磨一下, 不好用也沒有虧很大~
^^" 現在的想法也是差不多啦!
畢竟比 美貴久 & 秀次 這些日本製的東便宜了10倍多一點....

這刀還真是容易變的不利 = =a
大約割了10m的皮就不行啦 orz...
這時 就又要拿出溼答答的磨刀石再給他磨個幾下....
雖然有點不方便, 但磨刀其時也蠻...別有一番風味~ ^X^
XD 或許日本大河劇的配樂會合適些吧....
想像我磨的是武士刀 XDDDDDDD
說是這樣說, 囧~ 根據我對自己的了解...
下一次做大一點的東西前一定會買支秀次回家的 >""< ...
I bought a leather knife in Dec. 2009....
this's a surprising inexpensive one, 70 TWD, approximately 2.12 USD....
ha~ I thought : wooow~ a great buy hahahhahahahah...a....
hm.... even now, it's still a good buy~
^^ according to the price, sharpening this kinfe frequently can be expected....
for now, it dosen't a matter ~
I can grind it after my work....
ha~ and I image ths I'm sharpening a samurai sword.....
(sad, there isn't any one of my CDs is suitable for this process.....)
and the point is the price of this leather knife is ~ 1/10 of most Japanese knifes!!!!
even thought it's price benifit & I really enjoy the sharpening process,
I think I'll buy a Japanese leather knife sooner or later~
^^ as I said "for now", my products are dust wrapper for book, note book, ... something like that~
and there are shouder bag, customized bags (smile~), .... in my work list....
I don't think I can stand that I've to sharpening it after each 10 meter cuttung work!!!!