2010年3月1日 星期一

Cowsplit leather & flip clock

dear all,
I spent (much) money for a piece of cowsplit leather (a side, or half buffalo )....
haha~ the leather came from U.S.A. and processed in Taiwan.
I have to say: woow! what a big buffalo is!!!!!!
the size of this side hm..... I guess approximate 250cm x 100cm....
'cause I don't take a photo for it yet,
I borrowed 2 photos form here,

 yep, this is what I said 'cowsplit leather'.
(I think 'crack leather' perhaps more clear the meaning in Chinese ^^.)

一眼就相中了店裡只剩一張的裂紋皮... 囧~
老闆其他張皮都願意裁成小塊來賣我,就這一塊例外...  = =a
這張皮是半頭牛, 英文來說就是 一邊 (side),
^^ 所以一頭牛 就是由兩邊組成的呀~
這皮超大的啦! 大概可以當被子蓋了吧 XDDD
我打算用它來做自己的包包~ 會先做個郵差包吧~ ^++++^
接著... 就再說哩~
雖然很想再做個書衣... 不過感覺有點浪費 XD
反正到時再說吧 哈...
那包包不知是多久以後才會完成的事了 囧~

and as the title showed, the other goods is 'Flip clock'...

(figure comes from here)
haha~ the price is acceptable and beared~
although the material of the clock is plastic,
I guess it'll become a vintage/classic one after some treatment and operation ^+++^
(I'm planning to make a wooden case and put/set it into the case or .....)
雖然一個只要10美元,但加上運費實在不划算 囧~
所以只好在台灣買個369含運一個的塑膠 flip clock啦 ^^a
我考慮做個木盒子來裝它 or 幫它貼木皮勉強過點乾癮 XDD~

buy the way,
I bought a chrome natural leather as well,
this side will be used to make a tote-bag ~
阿~  其實我有順便買了張原色的小牛皮,
(這價錢真是親切多了! XDD)
打算拿來做個 有著我穿了外套手還伸得進去的提帶
= =a 掏到我美麗得心情都變陰天的托特包哩....

