I feel like taking a shoot! (photo~)
and I live with irregular work and rest for a while....
so, even I'm excited about my (working) schedule,
I have to leave my office now~
and............ I hope I could drop asleep shortly....
good night~ (a.m. 01:27, Taiwan)
2010年4月30日 星期五
2010年4月26日 星期一
Don't Think Twice It's All Right
作詞:Bob Dylan 作曲:Bob Dylan
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right Bob Dylan
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It'll never do some how.
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I'll be gone
You're the reason I'm trav'lin' on
Don't think twice, it's all right
It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
I'm on the dark side of the road
But I wish there was somethin' you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin' anyway
So don't think twice, it's all right
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
Like you never done before
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
I can't hear you any more
I'm a-thinkin' and a-wond'rin' walkin' down the road
I once loved a woman, a child I'm told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don't think twice, it's all right
So long honey baby
Where I'm bound, I can't tell
Goodbye is too good a word, babe
So I'll just say farewell
I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's all right
The lyric is dedicated to a girl I had fallen in love with...
2010年4月24日 星期六
Insomnia again~ so I relived a metal box

自從國小以後就沒再碰過這類東西了~ ^^"
某次閒晃時,發現竹師附近有家美術材料社, and 剛好心中有想要幹這類的事~
so 便隨意買了些材料回家,
哈~ "隨意" 不是隨便說的! 你看這些材料.... XDDD
布丁盒, 小湯匙, 餅乾桶蓋(充當調色盤), 還有我拿來刷貓毛的10元刷子....
阿~ 第一次這麼慶幸我垃圾沒有倒呀~ ^+++^a
anyway~ 既然是大失眠,又剛好不想看閒書, and....半夜也不能拿槌子敲敲打打做皮件....
就決定來幫放了很久的 Starbucks蛋捲盒做點改造!!!
ps. 這蛋捲盒是從實驗室搶救回來的 XD 本來要被回收了!!!
想說它長得蠻美的, 應該某天我會找到用它的地方吧?! so 把它從實驗室的回收堆裡帶他回家啦 XDDD

因為是一時興起做的事, ha~忘了先幫他拍張 "before" 的照片,

完成品就長這樣~ ha~ not bad!
喔~ 要自首一下! 鐵盒側邊的一堆小花圖片不是我畫的!!! ^^"
哈~ 想也知道! 我哪來那麼多時間, 耐心 & 這麼專業的技術完成他哩!
這其實是用我在youtube上學來的偷懶技術: Decoupage 做的 ^++++++^
就是找來印有你喜歡圖片的薄紙(越薄越好, ex. 餐巾紙),
我用的就是餐巾紙,and 餐巾紙和面紙一樣由兩張以上的薄紙構成,
我們只要把有圖案的那層游離出來... ㄟ ...就是只會用到有圖案的那薄薄一層啦 ^^~
then 把那層紙貼到盒子表面就好啦 ~
Ez吧 科科~
(oh 對了~ 因為房間沒有整理 XDDDD 所以用Picasa做了點 smoothing 遮點醜~)

2010年4月23日 星期五
Vitus/ 想飛的鋼琴少年
haha~ it seems my "dead time" is comong today....
so.... I did not do anything except my partime-job, as a TA, today~
and the only great thing I completed today is hahaha.... watch another DVD: Vitus (IMDb, Bolg in Trs_CH)
sorry for I do not provide any comments...
but that's fine, you know~ ^^a the title of this Blog is what? ha~ "The Empty"~ :P
ok~ except the touching script, I think German is the 3'd language I would like to learn~
you maybe ask: And what is the 1'st and the 2'nd ?
ok~ the 1'st is Eng., "cause it's necessary for my career;
and 2'nd is French, :D I just love it, and as I could understand this language,
than I can watch any movies in French and do not be restrickted by film companies in Taiwan~
all right, the other reason is I always look forward to living in French for a while..... :)
don't know why~ ^^~
K~~~~ it 02:28 a.m. in TW....
so it's time to go to dorm now....
hope I can concentrate my attentation on my study tomorrow ( or maybe Today is more suitable for this condition... ^^").
see u~ have a nice dream for u in TW, and a nice day for u in ... Eur. ^+++++++++^
so.... I did not do anything except my partime-job, as a TA, today~
and the only great thing I completed today is hahaha.... watch another DVD: Vitus (IMDb, Bolg in Trs_CH)
sorry for I do not provide any comments...
but that's fine, you know~ ^^a the title of this Blog is what? ha~ "The Empty"~ :P
ok~ except the touching script, I think German is the 3'd language I would like to learn~
you maybe ask: And what is the 1'st and the 2'nd ?
ok~ the 1'st is Eng., "cause it's necessary for my career;
and 2'nd is French, :D I just love it, and as I could understand this language,
than I can watch any movies in French and do not be restrickted by film companies in Taiwan~
all right, the other reason is I always look forward to living in French for a while..... :)
don't know why~ ^^~
K~~~~ it 02:28 a.m. in TW....
so it's time to go to dorm now....
hope I can concentrate my attentation on my study tomorrow ( or maybe Today is more suitable for this condition... ^^").
see u~ have a nice dream for u in TW, and a nice day for u in ... Eur. ^+++++++++^
2010年4月20日 星期二
Before Sunrise and Before Sunset
haha~ I just watched a DVD....
^^a as I feel easy and relaxative.... usually, the next step is "watching a movie ~" :D
so I picked "Before Sunset".....
hm..... I was so... many ideas and notions to share with you as watching it,
but now, somehow.... aha~ my brain is in a blank and mess condition.... Orz
anyway, there are some key words:
Julie Delpy is gorgeous!
what a sweety, touch, and melancholy scenario....
ok~ now I got some feelings to write somethings..
the problem is "Timining"!!!!!
They missed each other since 9 year ago~!
(I just sipped the coffee I made apprximate 1hr ago...
that tested so bitter...>""< damn! the temp. of the water was too hot!)
as Celine said: what is lost is lost!!!!!!!
so ....... from now~
Make sure or try your best at least: Do not lose anything! (sigh~)
And we can find that people always talk to each other in a roundbout way (indirectly)!
ha~ so I thnk I have to find some other one who I can talk to directly!
and if you are lucky enough, have a man to talk about everything, treasure him/her!
About their concersation, I wonder that dose there exist 2 peoples they have so many topics to talk about?
ha~ and it's not surprised that a conversation between a male and a female always gose to the topic: sex~
^^ you can see that there're so many tags in this article,
includind: short film, music, reading, buying, CD, ....,
it means I bought a CD (Julie Delpy), looking for the book and the script of this movie~
^^a as I feel easy and relaxative.... usually, the next step is "watching a movie ~" :D
so I picked "Before Sunset".....
hm..... I was so... many ideas and notions to share with you as watching it,
but now, somehow.... aha~ my brain is in a blank and mess condition.... Orz
anyway, there are some key words:
Julie Delpy is gorgeous!
what a sweety, touch, and melancholy scenario....
ok~ now I got some feelings to write somethings..
the problem is "Timining"!!!!!
They missed each other since 9 year ago~!
(I just sipped the coffee I made apprximate 1hr ago...
that tested so bitter...>""< damn! the temp. of the water was too hot!)
as Celine said: what is lost is lost!!!!!!!
so ....... from now~
Make sure or try your best at least: Do not lose anything! (sigh~)
And we can find that people always talk to each other in a roundbout way (indirectly)!
ha~ so I thnk I have to find some other one who I can talk to directly!
and if you are lucky enough, have a man to talk about everything, treasure him/her!
About their concersation, I wonder that dose there exist 2 peoples they have so many topics to talk about?
ha~ and it's not surprised that a conversation between a male and a female always gose to the topic: sex~
^^ you can see that there're so many tags in this article,
includind: short film, music, reading, buying, CD, ....,
it means I bought a CD (Julie Delpy), looking for the book and the script of this movie~
2010年4月19日 星期一
I Wish I Could Go Travelling Again
Resulting form these deadlines....., I felt that the color of my life is fading~
all right, may be some other things about relationships between people and people make a bit of contribution~
how lucky I am~
I clicked my iTunes on the screen, and picked a album up randomly...
"I wish I would go travelling again" just flowed out ~
(ha~ even this seems takling about girls and her lover.....
so what ^+++^ I wanna travel againe~~~~~)
"lucky" is becasue this song reminded me that a man lived in this world
has lots of things to do, do not get into the blind alley!
and even the obstacle in front of you.... don't worry about!
just stride across, and do not focus on this small volumn around you~
Be have a great vision! so you will get a spacious an endless world~
let your imagination gallop and soar away~
ha~ out of focus = =a
anyway~ travelling, travelling, ...... I wish I could go traveling~ :D
by the way, Amy...Amy..... do you copy!!! :D
if (I say if :P) I would travel in the country (where you are),
when is convenient to you? how about the end of May or latter?
(XDDD if it's "the end of May", I think I have to worry about my travelling expense~)
haha~ looking forward to getting your reply (in private, using e-mail perhaps is a better way)~
Lyrics: (copy from here)
I want a waiter to give us a reprimand
In a language neither of us understand
While we argue about the customs of the land
I wish i could go travelling again
(I want to) sit in traffic anxious about our plane
While your blasé comments drive me half insane
I want to dash for shelter with you through the tropical rain
I wish i could go travelling again
(I want to) be awakened by a faulty fire alarm
In an overpriced hotel devoid of charm
Then fall asleep again back in your arms
I wish i could go travelling again
But how can i ever go travelling again
When i know i'll just keep remembering again
When i know i'll just gathering again
Reminders to break my heart ?
I wish could go travelling again
It feels like this summer will never end
And i've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish i could go travelling again
I wish i could go travelling again
It feels like this summer will never end
And i've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish i could go travelling again
(I want to) sit in my shades, sipping my latte
Beneath the awning of a famous cafe
Jet-lagged and with our luggage gone astray
I wish i could go travelling again
2010年4月12日 星期一
New Arrivial: Desk Lamp
ok, as waitting for the reply and since today is the last sunny day of this week in Taiwan,
and I got a used desk lamp form a antique shop in Hsinchu, Taiwan,
let me share this lovely thing for you:

it's so elegant and succinct ~
The intensity of the light is absolutely sufficient for reading or wiritting,
but if like to use it to creat a romantic ambiance...... I think the light is to strong!
Perhabs you will say: are u kidding me? the (light) intensity of this photo is .... not so "sufficient" as u mensioned!!!
haha~ that resulted from the camera setup,
I try to creat a worm and smooth tableau, and remove miscellaneous things in my room,
so I held the shutter speed between 15-60 sec to avoid any motion arteifacts and use an appropriate aperture to decrease the quantity of the incoming light.
^^ I think it's easy to understand if you have experience of playing camera. ^^~
there are other photos I took last nigt :
if you have some antique material please let me know, even you live in other countries,
probably that's a treasure for me :P
all right, I have to leave for praying now~ :P
see u~~~~
and I got a used desk lamp form a antique shop in Hsinchu, Taiwan,
let me share this lovely thing for you:

it's so elegant and succinct ~
The intensity of the light is absolutely sufficient for reading or wiritting,
but if like to use it to creat a romantic ambiance...... I think the light is to strong!
Perhabs you will say: are u kidding me? the (light) intensity of this photo is .... not so "sufficient" as u mensioned!!!
haha~ that resulted from the camera setup,
I try to creat a worm and smooth tableau, and remove miscellaneous things in my room,
so I held the shutter speed between 15-60 sec to avoid any motion arteifacts and use an appropriate aperture to decrease the quantity of the incoming light.
^^ I think it's easy to understand if you have experience of playing camera. ^^~
there are other photos I took last nigt :
if you have some antique material please let me know, even you live in other countries,
probably that's a treasure for me :P
all right, I have to leave for praying now~ :P
see u~~~~
2010年4月10日 星期六
Extended until April 15th, 2010 (midnight CET)
haha~ I got a super-positive reply, and I pick some sentences from this letter:
" Sorry for the inconvenience. As usual, everybody tried to submit in the last 2 hours, and unfortunately the server could not cover all these requests and went offline for a certain time.
and now, I completed my submission ^^~
12 April, 2010.
: ( that's weird~~~~~
I checked the website for abstract submission..............
it showed that:
Abstract submission is over. (shoking \\QoQ// )
Deadline for the abstract submission was April 11, 2010.
Thank you very much for your numerous contributions.
Results of the review process will be sent by email to all authors on May 21, 2010.
Jesus! my abstract had been cmpleted on Sat (April 10, 2010)...
and just beacuse I got the 'Extented' info, I postporned submitting my abstract for revise it again and again...
now what!? "Abstract submission is over" that the worset reason for cannot attend
the poster or oral presentation of this conference!!!!
you even do not have a chance to walk into the court yet, you had lost the game already!!!
Anyway, I send a e-mail to the executive secretariat of the conference befor leaving my dorm,
and hope they could reply with positive information :D ,
and not just give answers like " .... system problem, technical problems, ....
and we'r sorry about... hope you can ...... next time" :(
all right, what I can do is praying... praying for God's blessing ^^"

today I got a e-mail that said :
Abstract submission by internet only
Deadline for the abstract submission has been
extended until April 15th, 2010 (midnight CET)
haha~ even that dose not mean anything to me,
I still have to following the schedule planned for this semester,
hahaha.... the stress form this deadline dose be decressed significantly, indeed!
that's why I am here now~
it seems I did not post photos taken by myself for a while~ = =a
in fact, there are approximate 6 rolls (black and white film) in my fridge ....
I just do not have enough time to develope them and the other reason is
the photographic chemistry in the photo_club office is out of stuck till now.....
any way, hope I could enjoy photography in this summer vacation again. ^++++^
vocation/ vacation
vocation/ career/ profession
haha~ I got a super-positive reply, and I pick some sentences from this letter:
" Sorry for the inconvenience. As usual, everybody tried to submit in the last 2 hours, and unfortunately the server could not cover all these requests and went offline for a certain time.
Abstract submission is re-opened and will stay open until Thursday midnight.
So please re-enter and submit your work "and now, I completed my submission ^^~
12 April, 2010.
: ( that's weird~~~~~
I checked the website for abstract submission..............
it showed that:
Abstract submission is over. (shoking \\QoQ// )
Deadline for the abstract submission was April 11, 2010.
Thank you very much for your numerous contributions.
Results of the review process will be sent by email to all authors on May 21, 2010.
Jesus! my abstract had been cmpleted on Sat (April 10, 2010)...
and just beacuse I got the 'Extented' info, I postporned submitting my abstract for revise it again and again...
now what!? "Abstract submission is over" that the worset reason for cannot attend
the poster or oral presentation of this conference!!!!
you even do not have a chance to walk into the court yet, you had lost the game already!!!
Anyway, I send a e-mail to the executive secretariat of the conference befor leaving my dorm,
and hope they could reply with positive information :D ,
and not just give answers like " .... system problem, technical problems, ....
and we'r sorry about... hope you can ...... next time" :(
all right, what I can do is praying... praying for God's blessing ^^"

today I got a e-mail that said :
Abstract submission by internet only
Deadline for the abstract submission has been
extended until April 15th, 2010 (midnight CET)
haha~ even that dose not mean anything to me,
I still have to following the schedule planned for this semester,
hahaha.... the stress form this deadline dose be decressed significantly, indeed!
that's why I am here now~
it seems I did not post photos taken by myself for a while~ = =a
in fact, there are approximate 6 rolls (black and white film) in my fridge ....
I just do not have enough time to develope them and the other reason is
the photographic chemistry in the photo_club office is out of stuck till now.....
any way, hope I could enjoy photography in this summer vacation again. ^++++^
vocation/ vacation
vocation/ career/ profession
2010年4月6日 星期二
2 sad movies.....
I watched 2 sad movies in this vocation, ^^"
they are Edge of Darkness
and The Lovely Bones,
both were talking about girl's dead......
all right, event I know that's just a movie, I cannot stop feeling sorrowful....
and... :P I have to say Saoirise Ronan, Rachel Weisz were so beautifu in the movie,
Honestly, as I saw the plot of "The Love Bones".... I was not interesting in at all....
untill I got the trailer in a theater....
and haha Stanley Tucci, the murderer in this movie, was in "The Devil Wears Prada" as well~ :D
wooow...... it's amazing!!!! I almost can't recognize him...
and... "Edge of Darkness" ... hm.... just a common movie... ^^a
oh by the way,
the furnishing and decorating in both movies are the type/ style I love,
I guess that's another reason to let me type something here...
and I find that I seem to be pulled in easily by "you are my girl..." blabra... this kind of movies ...
Benjamin (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) said:
You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
You could swear, course the fates,
but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.
let go......
(frrom ptt/ lynnmoon)
yes, we all know about this... let go let go....
but in our real world, in our life especially, it's not as easy as we know.... let go....
they are Edge of Darkness
and The Lovely Bones,
both were talking about girl's dead......
all right, event I know that's just a movie, I cannot stop feeling sorrowful....
and... :P I have to say Saoirise Ronan, Rachel Weisz were so beautifu in the movie,
Honestly, as I saw the plot of "The Love Bones".... I was not interesting in at all....
untill I got the trailer in a theater....
and haha Stanley Tucci, the murderer in this movie, was in "The Devil Wears Prada" as well~ :D
wooow...... it's amazing!!!! I almost can't recognize him...
and... "Edge of Darkness" ... hm.... just a common movie... ^^a
oh by the way,
the furnishing and decorating in both movies are the type/ style I love,
I guess that's another reason to let me type something here...
and I find that I seem to be pulled in easily by "you are my girl..." blabra... this kind of movies ...
Benjamin (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) said:
You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
You could swear, course the fates,
but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.
let go......
(frrom ptt/ lynnmoon)
yes, we all know about this... let go let go....
but in our real world, in our life especially, it's not as easy as we know.... let go....
2010年4月1日 星期四

hoho.... it seems my darkness time is coming,
again, deadlines.... :)
first is on 11 April for submission of abstracts of a conference,
and the other is the last portion of my ph.D qualify: proposal!
the qualify has to be finished before 24 May.
and.... I'll try to extract some time to writing something here....
keep practicing English-writing :> or sharing some... interesting things in my life~
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