and I got a used desk lamp form a antique shop in Hsinchu, Taiwan,
let me share this lovely thing for you:

it's so elegant and succinct ~
The intensity of the light is absolutely sufficient for reading or wiritting,
but if like to use it to creat a romantic ambiance...... I think the light is to strong!
Perhabs you will say: are u kidding me? the (light) intensity of this photo is .... not so "sufficient" as u mensioned!!!
haha~ that resulted from the camera setup,
I try to creat a worm and smooth tableau, and remove miscellaneous things in my room,
so I held the shutter speed between 15-60 sec to avoid any motion arteifacts and use an appropriate aperture to decrease the quantity of the incoming light.
^^ I think it's easy to understand if you have experience of playing camera. ^^~
there are other photos I took last nigt :
if you have some antique material please let me know, even you live in other countries,
probably that's a treasure for me :P
all right, I have to leave for praying now~ :P
see u~~~~