haha~ I got a super-positive reply, and I pick some sentences from this letter:
" Sorry for the inconvenience. As usual, everybody tried to submit in the last 2 hours, and unfortunately the server could not cover all these requests and went offline for a certain time.
Abstract submission is re-opened and will stay open until Thursday midnight.
So please re-enter and submit your work "and now, I completed my submission ^^~
12 April, 2010.
: ( that's weird~~~~~
I checked the website for abstract submission..............
it showed that:
Abstract submission is over. (shoking \\QoQ// )
Deadline for the abstract submission was April 11, 2010.
Thank you very much for your numerous contributions.
Results of the review process will be sent by email to all authors on May 21, 2010.
Jesus! my abstract had been cmpleted on Sat (April 10, 2010)...
and just beacuse I got the 'Extented' info, I postporned submitting my abstract for revise it again and again...
now what!? "Abstract submission is over" that the worset reason for cannot attend
the poster or oral presentation of this conference!!!!
you even do not have a chance to walk into the court yet, you had lost the game already!!!
Anyway, I send a e-mail to the executive secretariat of the conference befor leaving my dorm,
and hope they could reply with positive information :D ,
and not just give answers like " .... system problem, technical problems, ....
and we'r sorry about... hope you can ...... next time" :(
all right, what I can do is praying... praying for God's blessing ^^"

today I got a e-mail that said :
Abstract submission by internet only
Deadline for the abstract submission has been
extended until April 15th, 2010 (midnight CET)
haha~ even that dose not mean anything to me,
I still have to following the schedule planned for this semester,
hahaha.... the stress form this deadline dose be decressed significantly, indeed!
that's why I am here now~
it seems I did not post photos taken by myself for a while~ = =a
in fact, there are approximate 6 rolls (black and white film) in my fridge ....
I just do not have enough time to develope them and the other reason is
the photographic chemistry in the photo_club office is out of stuck till now.....
any way, hope I could enjoy photography in this summer vacation again. ^++++^
vocation/ vacation
vocation/ career/ profession